Thursday, October 2, 2008

Praying for November

You may addicted to political commentators debating the lesser points of "who said what" or "who really means what they are promising" but most of these ideologues and their opinions that are leading up to the voting days of November are just smoke and mirrors, parlor tricks to take your mind off of what's going on behind the corner with the great wizards of Washington D.C. . So to be blunt, you need to do something to prepare for the election as well as the economic downturn that this country is going through. You need change. Isn't that the ticket of the parties'? Change! I don't think they fully realize the changes that God needs to make in this nation. They are not ready for change and most of the time, we aren't willing to change either.

First, use a little faith, trust that God will do exactly what He promises and that is to preserve His sons and daughters through difficult times, whether they be economic or in times of political disarray. We need to realize that God has established before the beginning of time His intentions and His story of what is to come in November. When all the votes are counted, God is not going to be surprised as CNN shows the map and He sees what states voted what way. He knows what going to happen already and wants to prepare us for whatever awaits us as we count the chad punched cards, looking to see who the next leader of our nation will be. And on the matter of who leads the nation, maybe we should start writing in the name "Jehovah" or "Jesus Christ" in the user determined provided space for our vote of President of the United States. I bet He would get rid of the pork in Washington, unity the parties, call the wicked what they are, and use the righteous leadership inside the Beltway to declare His glory through our nation.

Secondly, make it a point to be involved in educating your friends, family, co-workers, and all you come in contact with God's platform on the issues at stake in this election. Let them know what the Bible says about taxes, abortion, the fight for freedom, and the sanctity of life, no matter the age or place it inhabits, voice heard or not. Testify and change the priorities of the people around you through the Word of God.

And lastly, pray and then pray some more. Take a few minutes to watch the video below, this prayer journey, keep your eyes open and pray through the prayer suggestions as they come into view and the pictures puts an image to your thoughts during your prayer. Then share this with a friend. This country needs us to pray. November needs us to pray. God gives us a blessings in all seasons, including the our nation's voting one.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)


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